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Joe Breitfeller

Air Canada Reconnects to U.S. With up to 220 Daily Transborder Flights From August 9, 2021

Air Canada has announced that their current summer transborder schedule will include 55 routes and 34 destinations in the U.S. with up to 220 daily flights from August 9, 2021. With the easing of travel restrictions, vaccinated travelers can enter Canada without quarantine.

Air Canada Boeing 737-8 MAX - Courtesy Air Canada

On Monday (July 19, 2021), Air Canada announced that with the easing of travel restrictions, their current summer transborder schedule will include 55 routes to 34 U.S. destinations with up to 220 daily flights from August 9, 2021. Next month, fully vaccinated Americans will be able to enter Canada for non-essential travel without being subject to quarantine hotel requirements. Relaxed testing requirements will also allow Canadians taking shorter transborder trips of less than 72 hours to take their pre-entry tests in Canada.

In Monday’s announcement, Air Canada’s Senior Vice President Network Planning and Revenue Management, Mark Gallardo, said,

“The easing of travel restrictions announced today by the federal government is an important step based on science, and we are very pleased to rebuild our Canada-U.S. network. Canada and the United States share close ties and restoring air connectivity will contribute to both countries' economic recovery. Air Canada's proud tradition of being the largest foreign carrier in the U.S. is reflected in our schedule which has been developed to provide a wide range of choices for customers in both countries, appealing to Canadian customers interested in travelling to popular U.S. destinations, and to U.S. residents looking to visit and explore Canada's spectacular sights and hospitality.

“Our schedule also enables convenient onward travel through our Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal hubs to and from our global destinations. We are planning to restore services to all 57 U.S. destinations previously served as conditions allow. We sincerely look forward to welcoming our customers onboard.”

Air Canada has developed a new digital solution via the Air Canada app that allows customers flying between the U.S. and Canada, and from Canada to select European destinations, to scan and upload COVID-19 test results to ensure destination compliance prior to arrival at the airport. Air Canada’s onboard service will also resume in early August for all transborder flights over two hours and will include the gradual introduction of new Economy Class Bistro selections. Additionally, customers can book with confidence as Air Canada’s new refund policy offers various refund options including an Air Canada Travel Voucher, or the equivalent value in Aeroplan Points plus a 65 percent bonus, if the carrier cancels or reschedules a flight by more than three hours.

Air Canada to Resume Transborder Schedule From August 9, 2021

Air Canada is Canada’s largest domestic and international airline. The Canadian flag carrier is a founding member of the Star Alliance and the only international network carrier in North America to receive a Four-Star ranking from Skytrax. For the last two years Air Canada was also named Global Traveler’s ‘Best Airline in North America.’ Additionally, Air Canada has committed to a net zero emissions goal from all global operations by 2050.

Source: Air Canada

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